Treatment Guideline Chart
Croup is a viral infection that causes erythema and edema of the tracheal walls and narrowing of the subglottic region. It is often characterized by an acute, rapidly progressing respiratory disease.
It is a medical emergency in children and requiring immediate treatment.
Most common causes are parainfluenza virus 1&2 and respiratory syncytial virus.
Occurrence of symptoms is usually at night and with abrupt onset and improve during daytime.

Croup Signs and Symptoms


Croup is often characterized by an acute, rapidly progressing respiratory disease
  • Also referred to as laryngotracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, & laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis 
  • Common cause of upper respiratory tract obstruction in children
  • Rarely occurs in adults
  • Often self-limiting but may possibly cause severe respiratory obstruction
  • Develops concurrent w/ coryzal disease


  • Most common causes of croup:
    • Parainfluenza virus 1-3 (type 1 being most common) 
    • Respiratory syncytial virus

Signs and Symptoms

  •  Occurrence of symptoms is usually at night & w/ abrupt onset, & improve during daytime
    • Barking cough
    • Dyspnea, w/ possible rapid progression to airway obstruction
    • Hoarse voice
    • Inspiratory stridor may be severe & may herald complete airway obstruction
    • Fever may or may not occur
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